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Concert and Performing Arts

28 September 2022

We are almost through another School Concert. Once again this has been in a different format due to our desire to protect everyone from Covid-19. Two classes have performed each afternoon over the last week and the children have performed their hearts out. The full concert has now been filmed, including our traditional choir performance, and this will be available later this week to families. Thank you to our families who have supported concert with costumes and ticket sales. The audience interaction has been fantastic so far. It’s a big moment for some of our children when the line they have been rehearsing gets a laugh from the crowd for the first time, or when the audience cheers their dance. 

Next term our Reception children will enjoy their own performance opportunity with a Christmas themed show. The second half of the year is a hectic time for Mr Huxtable with Wakakirri, Concert and then the Reception performance. He’s also preparing choirs and the Chapel band each week, with one eye also on a special item that the Year 6 students perform for their parents at their end of year graduation service!